Sponsored by the Park Slope Food Coop
Brooklyn, NY
Our mission is to demonstrate that a locally owned, appropriately scaled, regenerative farm cooperative is good business.
The Hudson Valley Farm Coop (HVFC) is a proposed venture that will acquire, improve, and operate fifteen farms in the Mid-Hudson Valley for the benefit of its shareholders and the wider community. The start-up budget for this project is $30 million and we will raise funds through a unique financial mechanism called a Direct Public Offering. The HVFC will provide its members the rare opportunity to own a stake in socially progressive and ecologically regenerative farms. Their investments will return dividends and help to recreate, sustain, and protect this wonderful corner of our threatened and critical agricultural region.
If agriculture is to remain productive, it must preserve the land, and the fertility and ecological health of the land; the land, that is, must be used well. A further requirement, therefore, is that if the land is to be used well, the people who use it must know it well, and must be able to afford to use it well. Nothing that has happened in the in the agricultural revolution of the last fifty years has disproved these requirements, though everything that has happened has ignored or defied them.
-- Wendell Berry, What are People For? San Francisco, North Point Press, 1990